Sunday, May 11, 2008

Back in the groove!!!

Monday - Saturday here is what I did:
Bootcamp class on thurs- it kicked my butt, but it's totally what I need!
Sword fighting class on Tues!
Kickboxing on Tues!
Spinning on Wednesday
Total body class on Monday
Swimming on Monday
Session with Trainer on Saturday
Dance class on Saturday

Some yoga throughout the week.

The session with the trainer was intense- he had me working on these glide like objects changing my centers of gravity to work my inner thighs mostly because I have thunderous thighs. He made me do running drills on the stairs, push ups, cruches with the ball- feet holding the ball up & crunching up to the ball. I'm missing speedball class again today:(:(:(

I might check out another branch of my gym this week because I hear they give you free workout clothes and all!!

I clearly did start out slow, but still worked hard.

I'm taking today off to get my life in order so I can focus on organized exercise this week without. Laundry's all done just trying to tie up some loose bits. I will kick even more butt this week!


PoN said...

way to go! keep it up!

I ran 3.1 miles in 37 minutes today, training for a 5k next Tuesday. Maybe I'll start a blog too...

RennaissanceAthlete said...

Hey:) I hope you start a blog:) How did the 5K go? Keep up the awesome running training!